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The 3 Deadly Ds for Artists

How to Stand Up to Them

I want you to know that this is as much for me as I it is for other artists! As a creative soul, you’ve probably experienced these pitfalls, too… in fact, I don’t think it only applies to the creative work we love. The three things that I’m writing about have real impact on anything we are “called” to do, and I know how much they can be an obstacle in the arts.

The first “enemy” I contend with as an artist, especially in this particular day, is distractions. They can happen in so many different ways, some of them quite subtle. Little things, big things, whatever gains my attention and becomes more interesting or necessary or demanding. I’ve found that I need to be aware when distractions are influencing me. And it has become invaluable to me to have a reasonable “plan” at the outset of my week. It starts with a larger view and tangible goals that are broken down to weekly and then daily steps. With no plan before me, distractions become the most demanding voice.

The next 2 things are really “thieves”, and they come from within. They sneak up quickly to rob, kill and destroy. And, I think artists are particularly vulnerable to this kind of attack. The first is doubt. Doubting yourself. Doubting your skills and ability. Doubting your God-given design. Doubting the “calling” to create at all. When doubt speaks and when we listen, we lose focus. Then, we lose hope. Have you ever contended with doubt? I have, and I have to be on guard against it.

Doubt leads to discouragement, which is a dark place. It’s paralyzing. The impulse and desire to create is lost. And the things I’ve been called to do seem far away. When I find myself listening to doubt and feeling discouragement, it most often is because I’ve focused on circumstances rather than the goodness and favor of God who has created me and called me into His good purposes.

But I’ve also discovered some things that help me in the struggles against these three deadly Ds. I need a mindset reset, which can also be intense. But these practices have proven themselves be effective ways to reclaim a sense of progress and purpose.

  • Make a reasonable plan with action steps like I’ve already mentioned
  • Center myself in God’s words rather than my feelings or circumstances
  • Remind myself of the ups and downs of the past, remembering that God has always made a way through it.
  • Choose to have a thankful heart of praise for God’s goodness and presence.  (My pastor says, and I believe it, that song is a weapon against discouragement.)
  • I’ve also found it helpful to write a list of truths and promises from scripture to post in my studio and review often as another reminding “voice”.

As my mind is refreshed, I am able to pick up my brush and get back on track with determination and pleasure.

Talking with artists and reading about artists through history, I know that these three Ds are very common and they have the power to defeat us; beautiful things that might have been never get see the light of day. So let me encourage us (myself included) that distractions, doubt and discouragement do not have the winning hands! Let’s get to the creative work that we are called to do, because it’s of high value and because we’ve been designed for it.

The struggle is real! I know we all deal with these things from time to time, maybe a lot of the time. How do you fight back against the 3Ds I’ve mentioned? Leave a comment with your thoughts!  If you’d like to receive a word of encouragement for the artistic journey right in your inbox each month, it’s easy!!  Click the button and you’ll be “in”!!


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