We all need some encouragement and inspiration! Here's how to get it!

The Illusion of Small

Encouragement for Small Beginnings

Sometimes I have to write for myself… Journaling has become a very important part of my artistic experience. This is an excerpt from my journal that gave me encouragement!

… When a single word lingers in your mind.  I don’t think that’s accidental…I think there is something that word needs to convey to us. For me, it’s often a whisper from the Spirit of God.   (I know… that can sound mystical – but it isn’t.  It’s never been audible… it’s easy to miss… and it never is in conflict with God’s written word.)  I see in a new way, how it might apply to my work or my circumstances just when I need it.

The word that has been lingering this week could have negative connotations, but actually, I find hope and encouragement in it!


That’s the word.  Small.  And yes, it’s easy to bemoan the sense of smallness in starting something new; a new chapter, new endeavors, laying the foundation of something new.  Yet, there’s this:

“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.”  Zechariah 4:10.

This, of course, was written several millennia ago in a different culture for very different new beginnings, as an exiled people returned to rebuild the temple that had laid in ruins for many years.  Some of them, perhaps, remembered the splendor of what had been… probably all of them had heard of the beauty of the former structure.  They must have felt discouraged at the “small beginnings” of this new thing.  Would it ever amount to anything?

I know I can feel like that!  And I think as creative people – artists, musicians, writers – when we start toward something new, something we are creating, it’s so easy to feel that sense of discouragement.  Progress can be slow. Doubt can creep in.  We can easily question if we have anything to contribute to the world that is seemingly already full.

But this is what I’m being impressed with ~ when I am called into my design, I am called with uniqueness.  No one else can or ever will express themselves in the way I can… what could be more valuable than that!?  Each of us has the individual, meaningful, and loving stamp of God, and with it ~ a joyful purpose.

Sometimes I think it would be wonderful if my small efforts would magically erupt into full maturity. But, that’s not typical of the way things work. As we look around at Creation, it’s easy to see that more often than not things happen in process… seeds are planted, they grow, they develop, they finally mature.  I think that’s true for our creative selves too.  The seeds given must be nurtured.  Ideas have to be developed.  It takes time to see growth occur.  Sometimes a lot is happening under the surface before anything can be seen.

I get impatient with the process, but Zechariah tells us that God is not impatient.  He is cheering us on. And I’ve also come to believe, even in small details of my small efforts, He desires to be in the process with us.  That’s not so small, after all!  What new ideas land in my thinking that are suddenly there and something of a surprise?  That might just be the whisper of God!  What unexpected color combinations come to mind that seem worth a try… and they are captivating?  That might just be the whisper of God!  What new contact or new opportunity suddenly comes forward?  That just might be the whisper of God!

So my perception of small might not be accurate. That is an encouragement to me.  I need to persist and be listening for The Whisper, as I remember that God is pleased to see even small beginnings!   I hope that these thoughts are an encouragement to you too… you are created with that perfect, one-of-a-kind design and purpose!

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©2022 HelenRead
Photo Credit: Eric Karits


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